Grenades, was PA Strength was: FMAS at GZG ECC IV
From: "clourenco" <clourenco@s...>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 08:11:06 -0500
Subject: Grenades, was PA Strength was: FMAS at GZG ECC IV
BTW I have some thoughts on grenades in FMA based on our scenarion the
night and what I thought went right and wrong. I know there's an FMA
playtest list but I'm not on it so I figured I'd post it here. Most of
applies to indoor action:
Hand grenades require an action to prepare for non PA troops. Sure it's
thing to pull and throw but there's INTENT that has to be modelled here
Drop within room, one range band. To throw through a door that you are
physically behind add one range band (per door or opening). Getting a
grenade through a door while keyed up in combat is not easy for anyone.
main concern is to get rid of the grenade so it doesn't blow you up, let
alone screw up the other guy. This is why grenades or almost always
from one side of the door into the other not thrown across rooms as if
were out doors playing baseball. Grenades are not somthing you take
and just toss as if you are tossing away a gum wrapper. And combat armor
least as it's modelled on our little GZG troops still shows faces,
arms exposed and whatnot it's not like a PA trooper where if you drop a
you can ride it out in relative comfort.
Breaching charges (should be tracked seperately). Two kinds:
Launched from GL.
Placed: (requires an action to place and one to detonate.) Grenades will
breach normal walls if not tamped. The amount of explosive required to
a breach large enough for a PA to go through would preclude using a
grenade for the task. Breaching charges work and cut a certain way. The
equivallent amount of regular or non directed explosive would easily
up or stum the firer if it was in normal grenade form. Also there's no
reason to assume that building materials epsecially in the kinds of
facilities most indoors FMA matches will occur, space ships, bases
scientific facilities, will be made out of sheetrock and wall paper.
Exploding grenades in room automaticaly cause a suppression to non PA
troops. Grenades cause smoke for one turn. (though I suppose an argument
could be made for smokeless frags.)
Smoke grenades. Will create smoke that will fill up room for duration of
game unless there is strong ventilation system. And smoke won't just
fill up
the length of the cotton ball wad. The entire room should be smoked at
by the second turn of it's activation.
Smoke greandes obscure all vision spectrums (inc thermals) though PA
observe at +2 range bands, using motion detector or suit radar. that
be monkeyted with depending on PA sophistication.
Anti-PA grenades (these are HEAT not HEDP, but known as HEPA) Can be
or placed (+1 range band). Does no damage to anyone else other than PA
trooper. This is a shaped microcharge. Think of the fight between the
non PA
guy and the PA guy we had, a more likely charge would have been a small
off the belt and slap on the PA. It goes off and only does internal
to the PA.
The only thing that will help with a grenade inside would be if you are
POSITION. I.e prone or hiding behind something in the room.
Rifle grenades have a minimum safe arming distance of 10 meters. They
still do damage of blunt trauma if they hit someone within that range.
does not apply to HEPA.
Anyway just some ideas.