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RE: non-painting record was: 2300 AD --> DS2/SG2

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 12 Mar 2001 11:26 GMT
Subject: RE: non-painting record was: 2300 AD --> DS2/SG2


> For another related point, I have just finished painting an "Epic" 
> scale Tyranid hoard which I can remember buying not long before my 
> first daughter was born, as it will soon be her 6th birthday this 
> means its taken be about 6 years to paint the figures, is this a 
> record?

Hardly. I have a Ral Partha Oriental Dragon that I started painting 
when my son was 1 year old. He is now 14. And on a not-so-recent
on another mailing list, that was not by any means the longest time.

Karl Heinz

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