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RE: Thinking of aspects of PA in urban fighting [FMAS] [General]

From: "Eli Arndt" <emu2020@w...>
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 14:58:26 -0800
Subject: RE: Thinking of aspects of PA in urban fighting [FMAS] [General]

Good points all, but with a couple of exceptions I can see..

>PAs shortcomings:
>- heavy (will tend to fall through weaker floors which also leads to
>thought of punji pits to dispose of PA)
>- not quiet (maybe you can build a light PA exoskeleton for commandos
>uses silent servos etc, but it definitely won't be full normal PA) so
can be
>easily detected by sound (probably by emissions and whatnot too)
>- immobilized by some EMP charges

I don't see why they couldn't be shielded like other systems.  Of course
there is always a bigger bomb/gun/beam/charge so I understand the

>- hard to get out if you have a collapse

Explosive bolts, or mechanical back-ups with a quick-release handle. 
The guy who did Akira had a cool short called "A fairwell to weapons"
that had a great set of realistic PA encounter with an automated

A guy in there survives an attack, but finds the attack has shorted out
his armor.  To add insult to injury, the missile's explosion glassed a
lot of the sand and made quick release difficult so he had to blow the

>- not dexterous

True, but you could install micro-manipulators to specific suits (techs,
RTO's, etc.)

>- problems fitting through doors and into warrens or rooms with low

Without damaging the structure and making tons of noise, yup.

>- not so great at negotiating stairs, ropes or ladders (does fine on
>for the handicapped, elevators, and cargo lifts)

Ladders might be bypassed by climbing the verticals rather than messing
with the slats but still not so great

>Anyone think of anything else to add? I'm trying to fit together some
>of conjectural doctrine for joint infantry-PA operations in urban
>along with appropriate rules to handle various situations.

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