Re: Tin Cans versus Dreadnoughts
From: Richard and Emily Bell <rlbell@s...>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 19:07:40 -0500
Subject: Re: Tin Cans versus Dreadnoughts
John Fox wrote:
> Robert:
> I would agree with you about most of the battleships sunk during
WWII were of
> the older nature. However there were a couple that were of modern
> Besides the two Japanese BB and the German Bismarck there was also the
> Prince of Whales. Her and the Repulse (an older ship that had been
> reconstructed if I remember correctly) were attached by most land
based Japanese
> naval plans. The POW was a modern ship that took several hits. One
of those
> hits shut down electrical supply espeically to AA and radar. The
other hit that
> doomed her was a hit near the propeller shaft (#4 if memory
iscorrect). The crew
> coupld not disengage the shaft from the engine in time to prevent if
> opening up the seals in several places which caused progressive
The Prince of Wales probably had more than enough bouyancy to remain
afloat, but the
captain refused to counterflood and she rolled over, ending all damage
efforts to prevent a sinking.