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15mm GZG figures in US & GZG ECC

From: "Bren Mayhugh" <jygro@h...>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2001 14:57:09 -0500
Subject: 15mm GZG figures in US & GZG ECC

Hey all!

First off, I really missed not being able to make it to the EEC this
Last year, the event was a blast even if the drive was killer (From 
Indianapolis).	Too bad that it was on the same weekend as a family get 
together.  I really have my priorities out of Wack! It sounds like it
was a 
lot of fun,  I'll be waiting for pictures and reports.

Second off.  Is there any supplier of 15mm GZG figures yet?  I really
them when I last saw them, but to date, the only way to get them was
them shipped from the UK.  Has anyone picked up supplying them in the US
am I still going to have to send away to UK for some.

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