GZG ECC IV - The Quote Board
From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2001 16:37:18 -0500
Subject: GZG ECC IV - The Quote Board
Okay, guys, here it is: the Quotes from the weekend, transcribed!
There may be some errors; not everyone's penmanship was 100%
readable. But I think I got it 95% correct! In any event, I'm
sure people will post corrections. ;-)
Read and enjoy. Jerry will be making this available on the website
in a short time, I'm sure. :-)
Friday Night:
"Ah, yes, fleet action. How fleet are the escape pods?" (email to
"I'm still alive by the grace that nobody shot me" - Jim Bell, Pod
"You're commander's a '3'?" - Stuart Murray, GM of 'Friday Night
"Yeah" - Aaron Teske
"That's a shame." - Stuart Murray
Bumper sticker on a pod racer: "If you can read this, you're
eating junk."
"You fragged a mother and child!!"
"Yeah, in one shot, too!" (Friday Night Firefight)
"You're not supposed to kill the GM's toys, because the GM gets upset"
- Stuart, Friday Night Firefight
"Tom, don't bother coming back. You're dead. 3 pulse torps - 13 points"
- Jim Bell, Pod Racing (from undammaged to dead in 30 seconds)
"I want to kill the civilians, what do I do?" - Mike Hudak
"First action, kill the mob. Second action, loot the bodies." - Stuart,
Friday Night Firefight (Mike's first SG game)
"Hey Ted, what was your junk? Cheese Whiz?" - Bob 'Magic' Makowsky
asking Ted
Arlauskas what he was doing after trying to win in the final moments of
race by dropping garbage on Bob, Ord Sarno Pod Racing
"No, the other d20." - Tom Barclay
"I like rolling that one better" (after hours Formula De gaming)
"Who's blown his lead, Carl?" - Jon Davis as the 2nd of 2 people to pass
in a fiery ball, returning Jon to the previously held leading position
Saturday Morning:
"The guy standing in the pirate suit is calling us GEEKY??" - Dan, FMA
"OOGLA OOGLA OOGLA MAK!" - cannibal players (Ted, et al), FMA Pirates
Cannibal Briefing for FMA Pirates:
Nick Caldwell (GM) - "Bring the pirates back to the pot for dinner and
Ted Arlauskas - "Sweet!"
Jon Davis - "No, a bit gamey."
>From Carnage con Queso:
Tom (smugly) - "What's that? I thought I heard something..." (shaking
off many
die of fire...)
Mike (dumps a nasty arty strike on Tom) - "That's for that 'I heard
EFSB "Bester Gambit" game:
Channing Faunce (doing first threshold check on Psi-Corps mothership) -
"What's this?"
Aaron Newman (GM) - "That's the jammer. You DON'T want to lose it."
Channing (rolls a '6') - "D'OH!" (and hides head on table, to the cheers
of everyone else)
Same game a short while later:
"This is the most seriously mauled I've ever seen ships get on the first
- Aaron Newman (GM, 'Bester Gambit')
"Who's your Jedi!?" - Pat Muller, spoken as 'Who's your daddy', to
Obiwan & Bikerbabes squad, 'Carnage con Queso'
"This S.O.B. [Aaron Teske] shot the wounded! Can you believe it? He shot
surrendering and the wounded!!" Mike Sarno, ref of 'Carnage con Queso',
saying to Aaron "I don't know what the decision is....shoot the
"Don' you hate it when the GM corrects people?" - Aaron Newman, 'Bester
Gambit', to the rest of the players after having Chan reroll his beam
recharge, which resulted in a MUCH better roll
Carnage con Queso:
"Okay, that's it - for the rest of this it's hammer the news crew!" -
"There will be no footage?" - Mike Hudak
Saturday Afternoon:
"How can you tell where he measured? There's a hole in his formation." -
Barclay, 'Hotspot'
"You can turn the selector off the 'laser pointer' setting, Dan..." -
Bell, after Dan fires HELs ineffectively
"Oh man...it IS the red button!" - Mike S (after Brian B just rolled 3
(on d12) out of 4 rolls and Mike had just missed with an entire unit;
"Sure, you can say 'Bite Me!' as a free action" - Mike Ritchie, PsiWar
"Can we shoot these?" (Raider player, pointing to some freighters)
"Those are your ships" (Earth Force players)
"Okay, we shoot them!" from EFSB game 'Clampdown'
"We come in peace" - EF players
"And you'll leave in pieces" - Raider players ('Clampdown')
"This is against my better judgement but it's not my real ass on the
- Los, recon during SG2 game 'Quest For Beer'
Canadian, referring to Tom's beer, 'Quest For Beer'
Saturday Evening:
"If I see a maple leaf - shoot." - Bob 'Magic' Makowski, FMS Can-Am game
"Canadians and Gentlemen..." - Jon Davis
"Here's $5, go buy yourself a real parrot" - Dan B to Nick 'the Pirate'
"Brute force and ignorance will work every time!" - Bob 'Magic', Can-Am
"The safest place to be is in the open - we've repeatedly established
- David Raynes, Can-Am FMA
"And now he puts on a Canadian emblem." - Adrian Johnson activating the
turncoat in the US ranks during Can-Am FMA
"I can't even hit myself with a grenade!" - David Raynes, Can-Am FMA
Dan - "I have an idea for a scenario. It's called 'Shipyard Dock'."
Jon Davis - "You want me to buy an orbital dock, don't you!?!"
Dan - "Well....yes."
Can-Am FMA - Targets in the open: 6
Grenades: 0
Tom Barclay - "Okay, you hit with your grenade. This guy [Jim Bell's]
cover from the door."
Jim - "NO!! NO!! Please no!! Don't give me cover!" (Can-Am FMA)
Nick Caldwell - "The good news is I'll get to go to bed soon" (after
most of his K'V force in 'Siege of Sol')
Carl Scheu - "This guy [NSL FF] is going to pound him" (points to k'V
CVL who
he is broadside to and behind)
Joel Frock - "He's going to tickle him in the butt." (Carl rolls 1 point
damage; 'Siege of Sol')
"I'm going to kill you for loading all my ships with flashlights" - Mike
to Indy after yet another ineffectual round of massed fire
"Flashlights and laser pointers. You weren't supposed to DAMAGE
just illuminate things" - Indy
"Ohhhhhhhhh, they're target DESIGNATORS...you bastard." - Mike, 'Siege
of Sol'
Sunday Morning:
"What are you playing today?" - Indy
"I'm...[points] I'm in Stuart's game." - Jon Davis
"Cinegrunt? I'll have t ocome over and listen to you!" - Indy
Joel Frock - "Hey! Guess what? I'm on point!"
David Raynes - "It's your first time, isn't it?" (Cinegrunt)
Stuart - "You're here to kick butt and take chitin"
Player (name withheld) - "Take what?!"
Jon Davis (as Armin Jersinksy) - "I have a dictionary in my office"
"Can I get d8's for my combat move?" - Mike Ritchie, playing the
'Gung-ho Guys'
"If you've got a good reason, you can get a d8" - Stuart (GM, Cinegrunt)
"They're stupid?" - Mike
"You've got a d8!" - Stuart
"As long as your name is not a glyph, I'm fine with it." - Mike Sarno
Full Thrust)
"Can I make a morale check?" - Aaron
"That wasnt' asensor! That was a garage door opener!"
"They're infected! Shoot them!" *boom**boom* "It was for their own good"
- Senior VP Armin Jersinsky (Jon D)
<klik, klik...> (as the marines attempt to attack the Company security
"We make those, by the way" - Company troops (led by Jersinsky)
Joel Frock - "AAaaarrrrrhhhh!!!!" (Cinegrunt)
Mike Hudak - "Nice move." (as Indy's ships mange to dodge 6 SM salvos in
'Sundiver'; Indy's teammates weren't quite as lucky)
Mike Muller - "Not only that, they are going to clean you up with
(indicating an ESU DD that ended movement in the middle of the
SMs, and was directly in front of the FSE fleet)
Pat Muller - "Yeah, yeah. Tell me something I don't know."
Mike Hudak (looking outside) - "It's still snowing..." (Sundiver)
Joel (Cinegrunt) as USMC Marines - "We're meat shields"
Al Muller - "That was a nice tripod [Tom Barclay] had. Do you know what
needs with it?"
Mike Hudak - "A gun?" (Sundiver)
"This isn't rocket science....oh. Yeah, it is." - Adrian, playing a
Marine Lt
Colonel suddenly in charge of a Canadian squadron in Can-Am FT
Bryan M (Cinegrunt) re: The Weyland-Yutani Corp Company Slogan "We bring
good things to life"
Berserk opens fire, vaporizing three marines and fill a corridor with
"Was that noisy?" - Aaron (Cinegrunt I think)
Stuart - "You opened the door? That was a bad second action." (revealing
an alien Queen & guards in Cinegrunt)
"Say my name, bitch!" - Mike Sarno as he strafes a Canadian destroyer,
Stuart - "Back to dying time, dudes"
"These ships are being led by Marines. We're heading for the ground; we
more comfortable there" - Tom Barclay, Can-Am FT, as his fleet angles
towards the planet
Aaron - "I want to go last. I have a berserk on one side of me, and a
on the other"
Stuart - "That sounds like a good reason to go FIRST!" (Cinegrunt)
Stuart - "Aaron, by the way, you have to do stuff" (a short time after
previous conversation/quote)
Stuart (to Aaron) - "I'm trying to keep you alive for the next 10
Mike (elevator voice) - "Bottom floor: Lingere and Aliens"
Bryan Gordon - "Ohhhh, this is just squirrelly" ('Sundiver')
Mike Muller (points to an FSE ship and grabs some dice) - "I'm dropping
dice of beam on him."
Al Muller - "You're going to shoot me with my own dice?!? Argh!!"
Bryan - "Yi cha"
Jon D - "No no no. Like this: (repeat above)"
Aaron Newman - "I open up on the parrot"
Jon Davis - "I'm at Ground Zero" (as a nuke explodes in Cinerunt)
"It's not the size of the punch, it's the incompetence of the owner" -
Sarno after Tom Barclay knocked over ships - again (Can-Am FT)
"Ready for the Indy Roll? A one?" - Jim Bell, just before firing a pulse
torp. He rolled a '1' (Can-Am FT)
Tom Barclay - "...because we're playing 'paper, scissors, rock', and we
brought the rock and they brought the dynamite."
Indy - "How ya doin', Mike?"
Mike Sarno - "Better than they are, yeah."
Indy - "Is that for the look on Jim's face?"
Mike - "Nah, he's just that ugly." (Can-Am FT)
Mike Muller - "Here comes the sun!" (as 2 ESU escort cruisers plow into
the sun in 'Sundiver')
"Better be careful or I'll send you to the quote board" (Cinegrunt)
"These aren't the facehuggers you're looking for." (Cinegrunt)
Jon Davis (looking in on the last moments in 'Sundiver') - "It's
Mike Hudak - "We're all hugging....everyone is getting close to Indy>"
(as Indy narrowly avoids slamming into the sun for yet another turn
to find his lone battleship surrounded by the entire FSE fleet and
research station)