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Stargrunt vehicles

From: "Matthew Smith" <matt@s...>
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2001 12:52:11 -0000
Subject: Stargrunt vehicles

This is something I've been meaning to ask for some time, but will a
chartitably-minded someone please, please find the time to type out
fully the designs for the GZG vehicles as printed in SG2. Sorry to ask
this, I can imagine it would take up a lot of time. But I'm one of those
sad perfectionists who has to have everything just so, and that means I
won't be happy playing dirtside unless my GZG vehicles are entirely as
per canon. Also, could you specify which vehicles belong to which

Of course, someone may know of a website where this has already been
done, if so I would love to know about it.

Then again, it may be against copyright law to do as I have asked.

Sorry again

Matthew Smith

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