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[OT] Military History Archive CDs

From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 17:24:25 +1100
Subject: [OT] Military History Archive CDs

G'day guys,

Sorry for the OT, but this came over another list I'm on. Its beyond my 
means, but I figured some of you might be interested (given SG interest
organisation etc). I've included Mitch's contact email address at the
of his message.



From: Mitch Osborne <hosborne@EROLS.COM>
Subject: [Piquet] Off Topic: Military History Archive CDs

Last year I discovered a great online resource, the US Army Military
History Institute's Digital Library. It is located at: and is well worth a visit. The
scope of the files available spans the entire history of the US Army.
problem is, if you have a 56K modem like me (mine never runs faster than
28K, because of my phone line), accessing most of the files is
excruciatingly slow, and with the larger ones, virtually impossible.
Fortunately, I gained access to a high-speed internet connection and
the course of several weekends, downloaded nearly a Gigabyte of primary
secondary source material in PDF format. That includes the vast majority
MHI books, pamphlets and reports covering both World Wars, Korea and
Vietnam. There are a significant number of "lessons learned" documents,
after action reports and the like. After I'd finished downloading and
transferring the files to my home computer, it occurred to me that
might want fast and easy access to these materials too.

What I've done is create two CDs, the first covering World Wars I and II
(69 files, 566 megabytes), the second covering Korean and Vietnam (157
files, 510 megabytes). This is literally thousands of pages of reading
material - a virtual library you can hold in the palm of your hand. I'm
selling each CD for $30.00, or a two-CD set for $50.00. Shipping in the
U.S. is $2.50. If you are interested in purchasing , send me an email
I will send you my contact information. Checks or money orders only. I
don't accept credit cards because I'm not a business, and I don't intend
into business. I'm just trying to offset the costs of my hobby interests
and share some terrific source material with the hobby community.

Mitch Osborne

Below is a sample of the titles included on the disks:

World War I

AEF Combat Instructions, Pamphlet, 1918
AEF Report of German Trench Raid, 2-3 Nov 1917
Germans Comment on US Soldiers, 1917-1918, AEF Intelligence Report
Infantry Drill Regulations, 1911/1917
Pershing, Final Report of AEF, 1920
Survey of German Tactics 1918, AEF Pamphlet

World War II, 1939-1945

After Action Report 38th Cavalry Recon Squadron, 44-45
Amphibious Operations, Staff Officers' Manual, USMC, Nov 1944
Combat Lessons No. 1 -9
German Operations at Anzio, Report, 1944
Hitler Jugend, SHAEF Handbook, 1944
Recon in XIX Tactical Air Command, Report, 1945
Standard Ordnance Items Catalog, 1944

Korean War, 1950-1953

Combat Stress, Korea, 1952, Operations Research Study, Dec 1952
Dissemination of Combat Information from Korea, 32 individual Bulletins
Employment of Armor in Korea, Vol 1, Operations Research Study, Oct 1951
Enemy Tactics, Techniques & Doctrine, Intelligence Studies, 1951
Ineffective Soldier Performance Under Fire, Korea, 1951, Research Study,
Operation Chromite (Inchon Landing), X Corps Report, Oct 1950
Tactical Air Support of Ground Forces, memo, 13 Sep 1951

Vietnam War, 1960-1973

Battle of Dong Ap Bia (Hamburger Hill), Summary Report, 101st Airborne
Division, May 1969
Enemy Jungle Tactics for Platoon Leaders, Handbook, Vietnam, 1967
Howze Board on Airmobility, Final Report, Aug 1962
Lessons Learned Bulletins No. 1 - 83
Mechanized and Armor Combat Operations in Vietnam, Study, Mar 1967
Operation Apache Snow, After Action Report, 1st Battalion, 506th
18 Jun 1969
Operational Report - Lessons Learned, 101st Airborne Division, May-Jul
Special Forces and CIDG Program, Vietnam, 1961-1970, Report 1971

Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
GPO Box 1538
Phone (03) 6232 5018 International +61 3 6232 5018
Fax 03 6232 5053 International +61 3 6232 5053

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