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Re: (SG) New GMS rounds

From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 22:19:08 EST
Subject: Re: (SG) New GMS rounds

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 21:37:57 -0500 "Robert W. Hofrichter" 

>Anti-Personnel Air Burst (APAB) Missiles

>High Explosive Armor Piercing Unguided (HEAPU) Missiles

Okay, first, I don't own Stargrunt.  Fullthrust and Dirtside yes, but
Starguard supplies the skirmish level SF war game action for me

I really like the gamble inherent in warhead selection (how much do you
trust the Intel guys?)	but what is the practical load for a squad with
this attached to carry for non-vehicle systems?  I guess you might
consider them to be DRAGON equivalents?  (interchangeable 'warheads' for
the launchers (more or less.)  Or more like Ultra Light TOWs?  I see
IAVR's as  'expendables - LAW' type weapons.

And how does:

"Type	 Radius  Impact
GMS/P	  2"	d8
GMS/L	  3"	d8
GMS/M	3"    d10
GMS/H	 4"    d10"

compare to 'conventional Arty' rounds in SG?  I have DS2 for comparison
but I would think SG arty radius would be larger?  What radius for a
light RAM Mortar type weapon?  MD gun?

Interesting weapon idea.

Gracias, Glenn/Triphibious (American Mongrel)
You don't have to be French to be a 'frog', or even human!
Nektons - Real Marines! (Die, Ralnai, Die!)
Starguard, Dirtside 2,	Ratner's Space Marines, Stellar Conflicts
and Uprisings, and Full Thrust/2nd.  Resistance is everything!

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