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Re: Powered Armor Reading List

From: Aaron Teske <ateske@H...>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 20:52:22 -0500
Subject: Re: Powered Armor Reading List

"Mark A. Siefert" wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone
> else can think of some other military sci-fi novels where powered
> plays a prominent role?

Prominent role... just about the only books I can come up with that
been mentioned may get me razzed, but I'll venture ahead anyway: GW
Marine books.  Only one I've read is Deathwing, which is not a recent
publication; it's a short story collection of mixed (dubious? ^_- )
quality, but I was on my early GW kick gaming stage at the time.

Eluki bes shahar's "Hellflower and Butterfly" trilogy (that's the title
the combined book club edition) has Imperial Hoplite Armor in it for a
while (found in "Darktraders", the second book, and used in both the
and third), which was decomissioned as being too dangerous for the Fleet
one suit could easily dismantle a starship (and does do a decent job
dismantling a groundside Port, not to mention digging holes in an
artificial planetoid)... fun stuff, and a fun read, if you can find it.
Good quotes. ^_^  ("One never *needs* enemies, but they are so much fun

					Aaron Teske

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