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RE: FMAS names

From: Derek Fulton <derekfulton@b...>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 14:08:26 +1100
Subject: RE: FMAS names

Rick Rutherford wrote:
>Full Metal!
>It has been staring us in the face all this time...
>- -- Rick Rutherford

It's probably been mentioned already but why not - BUG HUNT - as in
Zero Games - it's not just another bug hunt'. I remember seeing this
in the background of one of those photo's of Jon and his stall at some

It's scifi and thanks to the aliens movie it's permeated popular culture

enough that potential buyers/gamers will make the conection to a scifi 
skirmish game without any problem.

Derek Fulton
12 Balaka st.
Rosny, Hobart.
Tasmania,  7018.

Phone; (03) 62459123

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