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Re: That Age Thing

From: Kevin Walker <sage@c...>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:13:10 -0600
Subject: Re: That Age Thing

on 2/19/01 14:03, David Reeves at wrote:

> Hey Glenn,
> since I'm turning 39-yrs-young next month, it's nice to know someone
> is closer to the age of dirt than me on this list.  man, when someone
> Beth says she's 26, you start feeling as old as dirt....  ;-)

I know what you mean (he says in a tone of expected reminiscing).  I'm
and my wife is 24 so I have a constant reminder that I'm not a spring
chicken any more.  Confidentially though I haven't been happier in my
and thus I'm not really complaining.   ;-)

Kevin Walker

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