RE: [FT] WotW 2: EMP Weapons
From: Charles Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 19:17:49 GMT
Subject: RE: [FT] WotW 2: EMP Weapons
In message <>
"Izenberg, Noam" <> wrote:
> Continuing:
> Ion Cannon: Like Beth, I'm not a big fan of the "damage
list".Difficult to
> balance (Mass and cost trades are discussed) Changing to needle like
> mechanics changes the weapon's nature and is another can of worms IMO.
> "List" could be eliminated by either the attackng player chosing the
> of system checks (as in Powerleech) or alternating the attacking
player and
> defending player switching off, though that makes the record keeping
Or see K.H.Ranitzsch's suggestion, although that could slow thing down
if your checking a large number of systems (suggest - make sure these
cannot affect too many systems :-)
> EMP Mine: Id on;t like mines, so I'm not commenting.
I think Mines are an entire subject in themselves!
> Ion Pulse Cannon: Still think it should decrease range and have
> shift effect one range band/level.
> Scrambler Pulse: Possibly cheap for effect, Though I'm not really
sure. I
> certainly disagree with Brendan that it needs to be 8-10 mass. Most
will not
> be able to fire more than a couple times/game, making them roughly
equal to
> MT EMP missiles. It can't fire unitil it's well within Class 2 beam
> And don't forget it's got a Miss on 1-2. It would also be easy to
> effect 1 step: 3-4 All systems rol thresh 6+; 5-6 All systems roll
thresh at
> 5+.
> TDG: Too complicated. Genre weapon for role playing effect.
Yup - we can leave it for the 'really wierd weapons' section :-)
> Powerleech: I like Brendan's suggestion, but that's really an
alternate (and
> weaker) effect for the basic EMP MT missile. I'd rather drop the
> check altogether and just make the effect an advance of the threshold
> (MT Missile:1-2 No effect, 3+ Ship's threshold level increases by 1;
> round, Threshold level increases by 1 for every 3 (or 4, depending on
> balance) missiles that hit in one turn).
A nasty 'softener upper' - hmm... now how are we goint to balance that?
> IPW: I don't like this damage list, which is more complicated than the
> Cannon's. One example problem - the "weapons hit" still has room for
play -
> it doesn't give you choice order between like mass weapons - I'd
> risk a Needle beam for a class 2 most of the time. I understand
> dislike of "shipwide" thresholds, but they are much simpler than
> lists, which have to be thought out to almost the same level of detail
> the dreaded SFB damage table. I prefer a weaker-but-shipwide EMP
> effect, or the choosing mechanic in the original Powerleech
> chooses order of system checks" although "defender chooses order"
could work
> fine as well.).
> EMP Missile: Reasonable transition of EMP MT Missile. perhaps weaken
it a
> bit, especially since the affect is cumulative for multiple rounds.:
> 1-2 or less no effect
> 3-4 systems KO on roll of 6
> 5 systems KO on roll of 5+
> 6 or more systems KO on a roll of 4+
Similar (and weaker) to my suggestion - could modify my EMP-SM mechanic
in the same way (if we don't switch to either 'affects limited number of
systems' or 'does virtual damage').