Re: [FT] WotW 2: EMP Weapons
From: Charles Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 22:03:26 GMT
Subject: Re: [FT] WotW 2: EMP Weapons
In message <006801c09529$faa21d60$65c1893e@inty>
"Bif Smith" <> wrote:
[snip intro]
> EMP Weapons:
> =============
> Ion Cannon [Dean Gundberg] (Star Ranger's Crossover Web Page)
> Mass and cost same as Class 2 Beam. Symbol is Beam symbol with "I"
> of number. Range 0-10" roll 2d6, 10-20" roll 1d6 - beam dice. Each
"hit" is
> not marked off the damage track but instead is the number of threshold
> the target ship must perform. All Ion Cannon hits from a firing ship
> resolved one ship at a time. The threshold roll number is the same as
> target ship's next threshold level.
> Threshold rolls are made for the following systems in this order:
> Screens
> Special Electronics (Sensors, ECM, etc.)
> Fire Controls
> FTL Drive
> Main Drive
> (Back to top of list)
> -I like this, due to the simplicity of use, although is it balanced
(if it
> is, leave it alone)-
> ============
> EMP Mine [Paul Wellman] (Sam Penn's Website)
> Mass: 3, Cost: 10
> These release an enhanced electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) on detonation,
> are intended to scramble a ships electronics and systems without
> structural damage. Roll one die, and subtract 1 for each level of
> the ship has in use. The final score gives results as follows:
> 1 - 2 No effect.
> 3 - 4 Roll for every system on the ship. Systems are knocked out
on a
> roll of 6.
> 5 - 6 As above, but systems are knocked out on rolls of 5 or 6.
> The detonation range of a mine is 3" any enemy vessel that enters this
> radius at any point in its movement will cause the mine to detonate.
> mines are strictly one shot weapons.
> -Good for static defence, but how often does that occure? (meaning the
> should be cheap for effects)-
# Well, I'm guessing that like FT Mines you can drop these out the back
as pursuit deterrence weapons :-)
> ==============
> on Pulse Cannon [Paul Wellman] (Sam Penn's Website)
> MASS: 16 (Capital ships only), Cost 3xMASS
> The Ion Pulse Cannon is a spinal mount - it can only be fitted to fire
> through the F arc of ships large enough to carry it. The cannon has a
> of 54" and does threshold roles to ships hit, as shown below:
> Range To Hit Effect
> 0" - 18" 3+ Target ship makes a threshold roll
> every system on board. Systems are knocked out on rolls of 4, 5 or 6.
> 18" - 36" 4+ As above, but systems are knocked
> on rolls of 5 or 6.
> 36" - 54" 5+ As above, but systems are knocked
> on rolls of a 6 only.
> The pulse of the ion cannon is powerful enough to overcome any screens
> target ship has, so screens have no effect against the blast.
> Comments:
> (Noam) I suggest decreasing mass, and possibly range, and allowing
> to modify threshold rolls by -1/level.
> (Oerjan) Yet another basic EMP gun; this time long-ranged. Mass and
cost for
> FT2, not FBx.
> -Too complicated, and range is too great (from me, the person who
likes LONG
> ranged missiles), also a wave gun only has a range of 36 MU for a mass
> 20, this has 54 MU range for a mass of 16-
# Hmm... actually wave gun is only MASS 12, also, as Oerjan notes, this
is a pre-FB weapon, and has the same MASS (including 'cpaital ship
only') as a pre-FB Nova Cannon, so read its MASS as being 20.
> ===============
> Scrambler Pulse [Noam Izenberg]
> MASS: 4+1/arc (max 3 arcs), Cost 12+3/arc
> Range: 18"
> Effect: As EMP Missile. Can target Missiles and Fighters in intercept
> as PDS. EMP backwash on firing ship for targets within 6" - Roll 1d6,
On a 5
> or 6, Firing ship Thresholds at 6.
> Comments:
> (Oerjan) Another possibility for a "standard" EMP gun, instead of
using one
> of the various Ion Cannon mechanics.
> -Seams a longer ranged version of the ion cannon at the start of the
> but with different hit rolls-
> ===============
> EMP effects:
> Temporal Distortion Gun [Noam Izenberg]
> MASS: 4+1/arc (max 3 arcs), Cost 3xMass
> Effect: target ship takes threshold check at current level with range
> modifiers. Failure means system is "slowed" and does not work for the
> of this turn (if it has not operated yet) and next turn (Slowed Main
> produces ½ thrust next turn, but movement is completed normally this
> Range modifiers:
> 0-6" +2 to thresh level (i.e. thresh level 2 = thresh level 4
> system slowed on 3+
> 6-12" +1
> 12-18" 0
> 18-24" -1
> 24-30" -2
> 30+" -3 (ineffective range; i.e. ship on last damage row still
needs a
> 7+)
> Effective range is +2" vs. Screen 1, +3" vs. Screen 2
> Comments:
> (Oerjan) Extra paperwork to keep track of which systems are downed
> temporarily and will "autorepair" at the end of the *next* turn.
> -TOO much paperwork-
# This is a bit esoteric - you could just use one of the other systems,
but with reduced MASS, increased COST, and a widely different PSB :-)
[almost OT] - how would any of you attempt to balance the Stasis Field
Generator from Star Fleet Battles (and Starcraft) - it KOs a ship
tottaly (if it works) - for a short time (probably 1 turn in FT) - but
renders the ship invulnerable while it is KO'd - I'm not even going to
try an cook up a point cost for it!
> =================
> Powerleech Missile [Noam Izenberg]
> MT Missile version:
> Mass 2: Cost 8
> Hit causes 1d6/2 system threshold checks, round up.
> Up to 3 systems total can fail. threshold order dictated by firing
player -
> stop check when total is reached. Even if no threshold fails, the
> level of the target is increased by 1. I.e. if the 1st row of boxes is
> finished, roll threshold as if the 2nd row had been finished.
> SM version:
> Mass/Cost as SM-ER round, but range as standard round. Number of
> thresholds equals number of missiles that hit. Threshold level
increases if
> 3 or more missiles hit.
> Comments:
> (Oerjan) The MT version causes an *automatic* increase in threshold
level if
> it hits? That is very, *VERY* powerful, particularly against large
> easily worth 15-20 pts of damage on a capital ship. The SM version is
> considerably weaker.
> -Yes, very powerful, but does it also allow you to intercept with pds
> it hits, and does it effect only one target, or all targets within 6
I'd think only 1 target per Missile/Salvo.
> ================================================
> "yorkshire born,yorkshire bred,
> strong in arms, thick in head"
> My comments with a - -