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Re: [FT] Weapon of the Week - AM-SM

From: Charles Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 18:25:58 GMT
Subject: Re: [FT] Weapon of the Week - AM-SM

In message <>
	  "Oerjan Ohlson" <> wrote:

> D'OH!
> I wrote:
> >>A ship with, oh (leafs through FB1), say 4 PDS, escorted by a CE
> >>with 3 PDS is attacked by two salvos -
> >> 
> >>All PDS are used (4 vs. 1, 3 vs. other), killing an average of 5.6
> >>missiles, (3.2 on first, 2.4 on second).
> ... 
> >The real average damage from 1 SM salvo opposed by 4 PDSs + 1 >SM
> salvo opposed by 3 PDSs is 4.39 + 3.24 = 7.63 points of damage.
> No, of course not. Those are the values for SM salvoes opposed by 4
> *5* PDSs respectively. The *correct* correct values are 5.85 + 4.39 =
> 10.24 points of damage from the two SM salvoes.
> Yes, Charles, you may hit me now... <sigh>
> The AM-SM still inflicts on average 5.83 pts on these two ships, so it
> only does slightly more damage than 1 normal SM salvo in this example.
> Charles's various underestimates more or less canceled out ;-)
> I'd still put the AM-SM at Mass 3 though. It is far too easy to create
> other examples where it is rather more powerful - eg., replace the
> 4-PDS ship with two smaller ones, or surround it with a bunch of BJs.
> Or use it to force a bunch of enemy fighters to burn endurance, or to
> destroy an enemy missile alpha strike (or at least force the enemy to
> risk fighters to prevent this), or... 
> Besides, if it is any smaller than Mass 3 it'd start outgunning the
> PBL-2 it is based on by a fair margin - the average number of shots an
> individual PBL has managed to fire in my battles to date is just over
> :-/
> Later,
> Oerjan Ohlson
> "Life is like a sewer.
>   What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."
> - Hen3ry

Hmm.. one of the things I wasn't sure of was how many times a PBL is
likely to be used per scenario - which would affect the comparison -
thanks for providing the experience.

Ok, so lets stick with MASS 3 per salvo for the moment, and assume that
the fact that the missiles are _not_ activly homing in on one target
'explains' the reduced PDS etc. performance against them :-)

Ok, IMHO I think we've (mostly Brendan and Oerjan) sorted this one :-)

So, can we use these as the 'one true' FT2.5 Narn Energy mine?

Or do the Narns demand something more powerful with a longer range?

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