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Re: photo catalog and 6-10mm ST Bugs

From: Jeremey Claridge <jeremy.claridge@k...>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 13:36:46 +0000 ()
Subject: Re: photo catalog and 6-10mm ST Bugs

> Paper catalogues can't really be compared to websites. A website can
> put together for free (well, almost) and just about every free
> service provides enough space for a huge numbers of pictures. There's
> not really any excuse for even the smallest manufacturers not to
> pictures of everything. 

I agree completely here. I never buy fantasy or sci-fi figures without
seeing them 

Brigade Miniatures would never have had any orders from me like the flat
carriers I bought without a picture or two.

Also I have picture on my website (but not a great one) of the Pendraken
with bugs. These figures are 10mm and the Marines in the picture must
have been
"SF1 Marine in battle armour".

Jeremey Claridge

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