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RE: Counter terrorism FMA was Alien terrain

From: JRebori682@a...
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 10:41:32 EST
Subject: RE: Counter terrorism FMA was Alien terrain

In a message dated Thu, 8 Feb 2001 10:12:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,
"Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <> writes:

>now that is a good idea (using stones for >leadership/confidence
>Get some small stones that match the quality level >colors:
>  Untrained = Yellow
>  Green = Green
>  Regular = Blue
>  Veteran = Orange
>  Elite = Red
>Number of stones = Leadership level

Exactly my point. and if your gaming group includes players with any
special needs in regards to the counters, for example color-blind, you
can tailor the counters to work for them.
  Untrained = Yellow Circle
  Green = Green Bar
  Regular = Blue Triangle
  Veteran = Orange Square
  Elite = Red Pentagon
(I tried to match the color to a number, more sides - higher value)

And I'm sure many other suitable variations. the only requirement is
that everyone at the table know what each type of marker means. with
some skill, more than I have, it may appear as if there are no markers
on the tale at all.  

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