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Re: RE:FT-HET Laers

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (kh.ranitzsch)
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 07:15:17 +0100
Subject: Re: RE:FT-HET Laers

----- Original Message -----
>  >>Not a specific comment about your
>  >>suggestion, but ... I get the impression that
>  >>a lot of the new weapons suggested or ofiicially
>  >>introduced over the years ignore shields,
>  >>slowly making shields useless. How about some
>  >>weapons that are affected by shields, but do ignore armor or
>  >>other protection ?
> I guess that's because its easier to think up reasons why something
> breach screens rather than armour which is a physical extension of the
> (or so I assume).
> For the non-mechanically minded in the audience, what would be the PSB
> something that can ignore armour??

Well, the 'Pery Rhodan' Space Opera pulps have 'Transform Cannon' which
by 'beaming' (a la Star Trek) a warhead into the enemy ship. IIIRC, it
interfered with by their shields. Could be that the electromagnetic
that maintains the shield interferes with the teleportation field.

Karl Heinz

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