RE: [SG2] morale/CC
From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 07:31:31 -0500
Subject: RE: [SG2] morale/CC
> -----Original Message-----
> [Tom B]
> > 3) Why do you have to be base-to-base when close assault is
> > grenades and high volume fire at close range? Would 2" away,
> > 4" away or 6" away not be close enough?
> [Mark L]
> I agree that base-to-base is unreasonable, but I think
> 6" away is a bit much - that's short range for green troops!
> I'm going to push for some house rules around here such
> that 3" is the minimum distance between unfriendly, unsuppressed
> units - any closer and the non-moving unit gets a free shot
> (possibly at reduced firepower or quality) on the moving unit.
> But I don't think performing close assault on an unsuppressed
> unit should be allowed by the rules.
> Regardless, 2" should be more than enough for close
> assaults.
> [Bri]
> Perhaps it sould be at 1/2 the unit's CLOSE range band for close
> assault?
> [Tom B]
> > 5) Why can you pull up short and shoot the crap out of your
> > pursuers without any sort of leadership test to rally your
> > routing troops?
> > 9) Why are units running from close combat still combat
> > effective?
> [Mark L]
> You can't. Routing and broken troops can't fire on anyone
> who hasn't fired on them first.
> Oh, you mean why can a unit voluntarily fall back from a
> position and then turn around and shoot people? This makes sense
> to me - it's a fighting withdrawal and some booby-traps. Sure,
> it's abstracted a bit, but so are a lot of things in SG2.
> As a house rule, I agree with the idea that close assaulted
> units should be suppressed or activated or both, and units that
> perform an involuntary retreat should be disorganized at the end
> of the retreat and automatically out of coherence.
> Also, a unit that drops down to BROK by failing
> morale tests (happened to me) is no longer combat effective, and
> that's a single bad roll on the morale test for a ST unit.
> [Allan G]
> I was thinking that a Confidence Test is needed during a retreat
> (voluntary or
> otherwise) and if failed the unit should lose a CL AND panic (or
> just
> panic). This was the great fear of retreating a unit during the
> Civil
> War. They feared that "retrograde movements" would demoralize the men
> lead
> to panic. It was, in fact, a primary factor for why Burnside continued
> mad
> assault on Fredericksburg in 1862 (and partly why Lee assaulted
> Ridge
> in 1863). We're talking corps level actions, but the thinking is the
> Soldiers who retreat are not easily reigned in.
> I haven't tried it, but the possibility of a panic (can't do any
> unless removed, possibility of CL loss during removal) might work well
> simulate disorder.
> [Bri]
> I think that the easiest thing to do would be to place 1 suppression
> marker on any unit that retreats (voluntarily or not) from a CA.
> My comments above marked by [Bri]
> Appologies for the previous post with no new content -- slip of the
> fingers
> Brian Bell