RE: [SG2] morale/CC
From: mark.langsdorf@a...
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 16:29:47 -0600
Subject: RE: [SG2] morale/CC
Tom Barclay wrote:
> Morale:
> Morale is weak in SG2. There was a cascading morale rule
> suggestion (don't recall if Allan was using it) but it
> seemed like too much rolling to me.
That was my suggestion, and I agree it's too much
rolling. But...
> Platoon morale is actually a good idea. Platoon commanders
> sometimes also bug out without losing that great a percentage of their
> force... Although I would certainly NOT do it as the recent suggestion
> was made by rolling for every squad on the board, that isn't how it
> happens. If one platoon's morale reaches a point where they refuse to
> advance or will pull out, then test other platoon commanders for
> (and possibly the company commander).
How do you determine when a platoon's morale has reached the
where they won't advance or will retreat? Mean morale? Mode? Median?
Should a platoon be more penalized for having eliminated units? (I'd
think that having a squad in your platoon killed to the last man would
be more troublesome than having two of them retreating, but maybe not).
> You don't need to test the units. If the company commander
> decides then is the time to withdraw the force, then everyone
> goes. If other platoon commanders morale drops to the point
> they don't feel they can advance, then they don't and the
> company commander may have to withdraw.
Since most OrBats have the platoon, company, and battalion
officers also in command of their own squads, how do you indicate
the difference between a routing company and a routing command
squad? I can see a lot of situations where the commander might
break/die, but the platoon commands would carry on.
> In a case like this, any higher level of command
> should be able to rally his broken forces (or attempt to) and
> get them back into the fight.
SG2 already has rules for this, fortunately.