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Re: mobility in DS2

From: Beth Fulton <beth.fulton@m...>
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2001 19:25:04 +1100
Subject: Re: mobility in DS2

G'day Noel,

 >Alright. Given your comments, rethinking the details
 > some, and talking it over with some of our group here...
 >I will work on more complete rules to test and
 >release our results.

Cool, I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

Have fun


Elizabeth Fulton
c/o CSIRO Division of Marine Research
GPO Box 1538
Phone (03) 6232 5018 International +61 3 6232 5018
Fax 03 6232 5053 International +61 3 6232 5053

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