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Attachment levels

From: "Barclay, Tom" <tomb@b...>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 20:18:38 -0500
Subject: Attachment levels

A thought occurred to me (no doubt those who know me will consider this
novel...). Despite knowing a fair bit about the levels at which various
combat assets are attached, my knowledge of the levels at which less
in-your-face elements required to support combat are attached at has
building larger formations....problematic. 

I've solicited advice from our sometimes-resident engineering guru (John
That covers off the engineers and assault pioneers. But that leaves a
of other folks to worry about. I'd be glad to hear from anyone who had
insight into current (or conjectural) doctrine (and hopefully some idea
many are attached at each organizational level - Company, B'n,
It would be even more interesting to contrast thoughts about these
attachments across the national boundaries spanned by this list - I'm
all armies do not do this stuff exactly the same way. 

Here's where things get fuzzy, and here are some of my guesses:

Snipers: Attached at b'n level, probably 3 or 4 teams, parcelled down to
Companies as required or engaging in other operations. 

Mechanics: B'n motor pool. I'm not sure how many you need to support a
modern mechanized formation. I assume they aren't attached at company
and that infantry help maintain their MICVs. I include electronics and
weapons techs in this group too.

Clerks: 1 for a company, with CHQ. BHQ - several? 

Logistics: ????? I know there must be a bunch of these. I include
Company Stores and the like here. Must be a few with at Company level
more up at B'n, but I couldn't begin to guess how many.  

FAO/FAC: Dedicated observer/controller teams. I assume these would be
attached at B'n level formally, but attached down to companies or
even as required. Probably 1 for every battery at B'n level? 

EW/Comms : Possibly 1 man per platoon, possibly a couple of teams with
Definitely some formation attached at B'n level. 

Air Def: GMS/P-Air with infantry platoons. Company might have GMS/L-Air
even GMS/H-Air if well equipped. Definitely the B'n would have some
GMS/H-Air. But how many? And what about ZADs or ADS? 

Medical: I assume a medic team (2 men) per Pltn. Perhaps a Company Aide
Station with an extra medic and a couple of orderlies. Then a B'n aide
station with a doctor, a medic, and some more orderlies. Then at Brigade
Division, you have a full MASH unit. 

Special Forces: If not a dedicated SF unit, these are probably attached
Divisional level (at a guess) and temporarily attached down to
companies, or even platoons as required by mission. Often operate
independently. They don't like to rely too heavily on normal crunchies
might let them down. 

Intel: Definitely some at divisional level. At B'n level? Probably not
company level. And in this, I subsume enemy intel, weather
sigint/elint , etc. 

Arty: Well, I assume mortars for Pltn and Company Levels. I assume light
medium tube guns for B'n (how many batteries would one expect)? I assume
heavy guns for Div and MRLS systems, although they may temporarily be
attached lower (to companies or b'ns for particular operations). 

Other trades: Undoubtedly, I've missed some. Press Officers, PR
dentists, and other esoteric trades. I assume most of these don't appear
low as the B'n level and so I'm unlikely to have a concern with

Plus any I've missed. 

All feedback welcome. :) 

Thomas R. S. Barclay
Voice: (613) 722-3232 ext 349

Now, now my good man, this is no time for making enemies.

Voltaire (1694-1778), on his death bed in response to a priest asking
he renounce Satan.

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