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Re: Sci-Fi Crossover after action report

From: John Leary <john_t_leary@y...>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 10:12:19 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Sci-Fi Crossover after action report

     I'll see your .02 and raise .02!
(Bits have been cut out but I have tried to 
retain the message.)

> From: John Leary <>
> > Tie fighters are scrapings off the bottom
> > of the barrel, as far a capability goes.
> What?  These guys are willing to chase Corillian
> Tramp Freighters into
> Asteroid Belts and continue to fight even though
> over 65% of their squadron
> is dead due to smashing into flying rocks!  These
> guys have more balls than
> you can imagine.  
     Another point of view; Perhaps they were aware
of what a jolly guy the 'Dark Lord' really was.
With this in mind, they might have decided to
persue the freighter because failure was not
an option.

>Also, that revisionist Lucas only
> shows the battles they
> lost.  Do you think they dominated the entire known
> galaxy because they
> suck?  Hardly.
     Actually the Empire has a much better press
agent and propaganda service than the component
nation/states.	 I consider the Empire to be a
space going mafia, able to extort from the 
planets/systems protection money/goods.
Reasonably speaking, if the Empire had such tight
control of all the systems, it would not have been
possible for the Mon-Cal to have built/modified
(not less than) 6 starcruisers.
     The combat ability of the tie fighter is 
demonstrated during the attack on the Deathstar.
The deathstar carried 600 tie fighters (some say
more).	 If we are kind and say the 600 ties are
divided into 6 defensive areas (to conform the the
FB2 zones).   The 32 attacking rebel fighters had
to fight thru 100 fighters in the selected attack
zone.	The reble fighters divided into two groups,
23 'top cover' and 9 'attack' fighters.   The 
23 top cover fighters were able to disable/destroy
94 of the ties by the time they were destroyed.
(Thats more than 4 to 1 advantage to the ties!!)
     In FT game terms, the rebel fighters are
double screened (or heavy and screened), FTL
capable, attack capable, torpedo capable, 
and very likely the rebel Sq. are led by an
ace and the empire Sq. are green (turkeys).
     In dice rolling trials, the ties need 
to be able to hit only on a 6 and the rebel
fighters require two hits to kill.
This comment conforms to the 100 to 23
example above.
> It was the political system that was really at fault
> in their demise.  The
> Emperor, "Gramps" as he was known behind his back,
> though depicted as really
> evil and powerful, was really just an old fuddy
> duddy.  He was as cute as
> anyone's grandfather and about as capable of running
> the Universe.  Had the
> younger and more energetic leader, Darth Vader, not
> become a turncoat the
> Universe would have been much better organized and
> able to deal with the
> pesky Marxists from Aldeberan.
> Just my 0.02cr
> --Peter
     Not exactly the impression I got from 
the movies.


By for now,
John L.

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