RE: 1st CanAm
From: "Bell, Brian K" <Brian_Bell@d...>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 09:44:02 -0500
Subject: RE: 1st CanAm
How about each Ship roll an initiative die (d6/2 round up).
The inititive indicates what phase the ship will fire in (1-3).
If you wish, you could weight this 1d6 all 6's fire in the
1st phase; all 1's fire in the 3rd phase; all other fire in
the 2nd phase.
All damage within a phase is simultaneous.
This prevents a player from making his largest ship the
one that always gets initiative
You could augment this by giving each player a number
of initiative counters. Each player could turn in an inititive
counter to allow a ship to fire 1 phase earlier (phase 1 ships
cannot be shifted). You could also give the Admiral of
each side an extra number of initiative counters to pass
down to his captains. I would suggest providing no more
than 3 initiative counters to each player and 1 per player
extra to the admiral.
Brian Bell
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Laserlight []
> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 11:10 AM
> To:
> Subject: 1st CanAm
> As GZGECC registration rolls around, our thoughts turn to the Prestige
> and Glory that Four Victors will win. One of the ideas for speeding
> play, you will recall, was to designate 1st round, 2nd round, 3rd
> round targets and have all damage from each round be simultaneous.
> However, no one has sent me playtest reports on how well the idea
> worked. I'm waiting....
> Alternate idea: designate 20% of your NPV (ie 300pts/player) as
> "superior" ships, which fire in 1st round; 50% would be normal ships
> and fire in second round; 30% would fire in third round. These
> ratings would be permanent, ie you wouldn't get another "superior"
> just because you lost one. This would avoid the time and mental
> anguish needed to place fire control markers. First tier ships should
> also get a couple extra DCP, while third tier should lose a couple.