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Am I a Republic revisionist? Re: Sci-Fi Crossover after action report

From: devans@u...
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 09:07:25 -0600
Subject: Am I a Republic revisionist? Re: Sci-Fi Crossover after action report

What?  These guys are willing to chase Corillian Tramp Freighters into
Asteroid Belts and continue to fight even though over 65% of their
is dead due to smashing into flying rocks!

I believe by this point, the fighters had come under fleet remote
if you look closely, you can see the pilots scratching on the cockpits
screaming for a course reversal. ;->=

Seriously, brave and dumb CAN go together, though most air arms try to
such folks out before they damage perfectly good craft. Perhaps turkey
dogfighting with a morale bonus, or least, no morale penalty?

And, if you want a REAL condemnation of Lucas, check out David Brin's
comments in a recent SciFi channel rag. And I thought *I* needed to cut
back on the coffee! ;->=


-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

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