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Re: Wombat Rampage (was something else altogether).

From: Brian Thomas <bthom37@e...>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 17:12:04 -0600
Subject: Re: Wombat Rampage (was something else altogether).

At 05:05 PM 11/28/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>As an aside, perhaps moderately on topic, I believe there was a Brit
>recoilless rifle called a Wombat. Originally mounted on two wheels and
>dragged around, it was later mounted on a Land Rover, I think.

It was the WOMBAT; Weapon Of Magnesium, can't remember the rest of this.
(Maybe British Anti-Tank?)

>I was designed mid-WWII, right? I think it lasted in service til late

I believe it was a later development; 50-60s.  It's mentioned in a book
back home, complete with picture and vital stats.  Unfortunately won't
the book until Dec. 22d, so not much use right now.

>I'll see if I can find the mag I was reading that mentioned it.
>Might be worth thinking about for a new somewhat lower tech weaponed
>vehicle. Did the US ever mount RR's forward pointing on jeeps? I think
>remember seeing them in action down at Ft. Riley, KS.
>-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon

Brian Thomas
"Monkey Hate Clean"
Lawrence, KS

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