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Re: DSII Combat AI

From: A Scruffy Drummer <jmodule@y...>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 14:09:10 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: DSII Combat AI

The concept of Combat AI has been intriguing me for
the past few weeks (possibly due to reading a book
from the Bolo series).	I haven't really thought about
it's game effects until now.  I've looked at the rule
book and DSII takes a simple route and makes them
immune to Morale effects.

I guess it depends on one's concept of AI designed for
combat.  The Bolo is portrayed as not only being
immune to negative morale effects but also as being a
military genius.  That's not really what I'm looking
for to game out with DSII.

I think since a computers main obstacle is evolving
solutions to new problems -- where humans have
emotions, fear, adrenaline, etc. -- that probably
should be the part that gets emphasized.  A computer
is going to spend processor time looking for a optimal
solution to the enemy overruning the front-line while
s humans are going to be fighting the urge to run for
their lives.


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