Re: Thoughts on Veldtgrunt-- SG2 Zulu Wars
From: Barry Cadwgan <bcadwgan@f...>
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 10:59:37 +1100
Subject: Re: Thoughts on Veldtgrunt-- SG2 Zulu Wars
Andy Cowell wrote:
> In message <>, "Peter Mancini"
> > They were .45???!!!! Holy Freaking Shoe Shine! I imagine it left
many a Re
> > Coat with a sore shoulder! And many a Zulu village less one Brave.
> >
> > I reverse myself then - these guns were killers. How many rounds a
> > could one get off? How long did it take to reload?
> >From the Colonial list on (a much fun place), they say
> optimum was 6 shots a minute.
> The South African historian in the list gave an account of a unit's
> leader being shot rousing the unit to charge approx. 100 yards through
> two volleys and then independant fire to close with the British.
> (uMcijo and iNgobamakhosi amabutho) Say, 20 seconds to charge 100
> yards, and at least 3 shots off in succession, so that sounds about
> right.
> I have DEFINITELY got to work on my confidence table. ;)
> (Of COURSE it was .45!! Go watch Zulu again. "If it was a miracle,
> Colour Sergeant Bourne, then it was a forty-five caliber miracle."
> "An' a bayonet, too, suh! Wi' a bit o' guts behin' it.")
> (Mind you, I saw later M-H models were recalibrated to .303, leading
> I believe, the great quote from "Breaker Morant," "They were executed
> under rule three-oh-three!")
I have a recollection that they were rechambered to (I think) .22 as
training weapons.
For the Boer war, it would have been Lee Metfords, I think.
.303 bolt action magazine rifles.
Barry Cadwgan ( BCADWGAN@FL.NET.AU )
"The end does not justify the means.
The end is the sum of the means,
as the road travelled determines the destination."
Valijon Starbringer (Hellflower Trilogy, Eluki bes Shahar)