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Re: [SG2] large games (batallion level and up)

From: agoodall@c...
Date: 8 Nov 2000 07:47:53 -0800
Subject: Re: [SG2] large games (batallion level and up)

On Wed, 08 November 2000, "Claus Paludan" wrote:

> do any of you have any experience with playing large games like
batallion lev
el and up. I ask because we might try someting this large in my
wargaming club.
 It will probably not be a tank heavy setup, but mainly grunts and set
in WW2. 
Is it possible?? Does it take too long to complete a turn(I know it'll
take lon
ger of course), does the command level rules function at theese high

The largest I've heard is company level. At conventions I try to keep
the sizes
 down to about a platoon a side. 30 to 40 figures usually comes up with
os that are over in 3 to 4 hours. I'd hesitate to guess how much time a
on based game would take. That would be what, two to four companies
aside? If y
ou assume 3 companies per battalion and 3 platoons per company and 30
figures p
er platoon, you're looking 270 figures a side. Woah. You'd better have
an entir
e weekend planned. At least.

Another problem with a battalion based game is that you'd need a LOT of
In platoon based games, 6' by 4' is usually the minimum I use, with a
wider tab
le preferred. To do a battalion game justice you'd have to have a lot of
room t
o maneouvre. I'd say 12' by 6' minimum and probably even longer than

I wouldn't go much over a company. The "monster" games I've heard of for
SG2 we
re company level. I have enough figures for a company level based game
in 15mm,
 but haven't bothered to get that many for 25mm. 

Allan Goodall -
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