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Re: Re: New Pod armaments

From: "Jaime" <sage@b...>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 14:20:23 -0800
Subject: Re: Re: New Pod armaments

---- Begin Original Message ----
 From: "Peter Mancini" <>
Sent: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 16:43:33 EST
To: gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Re: New Pod armaments

Now that sounds cool - so the assimulation gets harder and harder to
the more time that goes on.  I think it should still have to test to 
assimulate or die.  In all good SF the crew does attempt to put up a
Hmmm, I wonder if American Movie Classics has already run "The Blob"
week, probably some good ideas there...

---- End Original Message ----

Well instead of it having to test, the crew gets to test by trying to
fight it.
 The two concepts for 
it: The Blob or Borg Assimilation can give two different ways to fight
it; 1) i
t's gets strong each 
time it assimilates; 2) there are now more of them moving around.

The first way you only have to kill one and each time it assimilates
it's gets 
stronger (the +1 
to roll) or there is now more of them so they're harder to fight (each
group no
w having to be 
attack individually) 

The Crew killing type I sugested fills the blob roll. This latter type I
nd is more of a 
boarding action in attempt to take over the ship.


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