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Re: [FT, DS, SG] Gallery updated

From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@d...>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 23:37:21 +1000
Subject: Re: [FT, DS, SG] Gallery updated

> and follow the gallery link (and don't forget to update cache or
reload or
> something if you've been there recently).

He painted the WW I German "Lozenge" cammo on 1/300 aircraft.
He painted the WW I German "Lozenge" cammo on 1/300 aircraft.
He painted the WW I German "Lozenge" cammo on 1/300 aircraft.
He painted the WW I German "Lozenge" cammo on 1/300 aircraft.
He painted the WW I German "Lozenge" cammo on 1/300 aircraft....

Sorry, mind blown, core dumped. Doing it in 1/76 is *hard*. Doing
it in 1/300. Repeatedly. That's

OK, I admit that I painted some tartan kilts on some 1/300
highlanders, but that was actually easier using the technique I

I dips me lid to you, Derek..

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