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Re: Population modelling

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 17 Oct 2000 09:02 GMT
Subject: Re: Population modelling

> too expensive - but similarly they would be doubtful able to afford > 
the medical tech that will give them a mean lifespan of 70-80. If 
> this medical tech is believable, 

In spite of what many people believe, it doesn't really take that high	
a medical tech to get life expectancies in the 50 - 70 year range. Main 
contributions to life expectancy are:

1) Sufficient and healthy food
2) Good hygiene
3) Vaccinations

Add in good gynecology/child care and occupational safety measures and 
you won't need medical tech much above what was basically available 
early in the 20th century or so to get such life expectancies.

Karl Heinz

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