Re: [DS2] net software Q
From: Tony Christney <tchristney@h...>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 18:46:03 -0700
Subject: Re: [DS2] net software Q
>I've seen two totally wonderful online shipyards for FB (used them
>very happily). I wondered if someone had done an online DS2 vehicle
>as a Java applet?
I have started one, but I really need to get more organised before I
have a realistic chance of finishing it...
>Has anyone thought about the incongruities between SG2 and DS2 and how
>resolve them in terms of the vehicle design rules?
> example:
> - SG2 rules buy spaces for troops "by the troop" and DS2 does it
>the element"
> which leads to a valid SG2 design not being valid under DS2 (IFV
>that carries a
> 2 man GMS team and a 4 man rifle team for example in 6 cap
>would require
> 8 cap points in DS2 - due to the fact all elements are
considered to
>take 4 pts).
This is true, however, I have always thought that it made little sense
to have troop space in 4 capacity point increments. Real vehicles
simply never behave this way. So I use the SG2 precedent of
1 cap/1 infantry
2 cap/1 PA trooper
I would be suprised if most people didn't use this house rule if they
have both SG2 and DS2. My program will allow you to use a flexible
set of rules.
Tony Christney