Re: Armor
From: "Chris DeBoe" <LASERLIGHT@Q...>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 12:31:07 -0400
Subject: Re: Armor
In response to my hasty proposal this morning,
Bell, Brian K <> declaimed:
> If the armor goes away (like current armor) when hit, then it is too
> expensive.
I was thinking of permanent armor. Minimum mass is 1 per armored face.
> If it does not go away when hit (like MT Kra'Vak armor),
> then it is too powerful. Except for rerolls, it would negate beams,
> pulsers, and stingers at long range (class-1 beams at its only
> range) as well as fighters.
Perhaps increase the cost to 2% (minimum/face is still 1 mass) per point
damage stopped per attack.
And it doesn't negate them--you can always roll 6's, even if you don't
get a
4-6 on the reroll for extra damage (obviously this doesn't cover Indy or
Beth). For a 100mass BC to have 6 arc coverage, that costs 12 Mass.
Or possibly everything isn't covered--the armor might be below the first
hull row. You could have different costs per hull row covered...
> 'Real Armor' counter proposal:
The difficulty with this is that it's ablative.