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Re: FSE misnomer (what you call where you live)

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 11 Oct 2000 15:23 GMT
Subject: Re: FSE misnomer (what you call where you live)

>----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -----
> > [...] name-giving is a quirky and unpredictable process.
> > And to a native German speaker, 'New Swabian League' sounds plain 
> wrong, as the Swabians are a rather small part of Germany, and I see 
> no way a union of Germans, Austrians, etc. could be named after 
> them. 
> Rather like calling the NAC the 'New Yorkshire Confederacy'. <
> I do wish you hadn't said that, Karl. You *know* Yorkshire considers 

> itself head, shoulders, torso and knees above the rest of the UK. 

Just as the Swabians think of themselves related to other Germans, and 
just as Bavarians, Saxons, people from Berlin or Hamburg, etc. think of 

The only ones who are right are the Hamburg people, of course.

Guess where I live ?

Karl Heinz

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