Prev: Grenades in FMA, notCylons, and pics for the GZG catalog Next: Re: [SG] in seach of 15mm


From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 14:44:22 +1100
Subject: RE: FT-HH LAC`s

It's all a question of scale.  In the current rule set I've done, the
missiles have a range from rest of 72 with energy weapons about 12-15
against a sidewall.  (sorry I haven't finished off the last turn guys,
have to find time to crunch the numbers).
In order to model the scale between the LACs and the minnie, I generated
them as FT fighters.


Neath Southern Skies -
[mkw] Admiral Peter Rollins; Task Force Zulu
[DitD] Captain Puppilier

> -----Original Message-----
> From: bif smith []
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2000 9:21 PM
> To:	full thrust
> Subject:	FT-HH LAC`s
> I was having a discusion off list with oerjan ohlson about designing
> universe ships for FT, and complaining about the lack of range of FT
> missiles for HH universe ships, if you use limited arc energy weapons
> (i.e.-Cl-3 bats). Oerjan sugested using phalon pulsers, to represent a
> short
> ranged, massed battery of limited arc human weapons. This has awoken
> ideas in my, rather rambling, brain case. I though about allowing
> to
> have a pulser weapon, limited to close range band only, with the same
> as
> a Cl-1 bat. Making the mass and cost the same as a phalon pulser would
> make
> this weapon deadly at close range (the only range it could be used),
> rather expensive compaired to normal human weapons. This still leaves
> problem of the limited range of the FT missiles (compaired to the HH
> missiles), but have ignored this to allow my mind to continue.
> As for the reason for this meandering ramble from my warped mind, lets
> continue-

Prev: Grenades in FMA, notCylons, and pics for the GZG catalog Next: Re: [SG] in seach of 15mm