Re: [SG] in seach of 15mm
From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (t-online)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 07:11:33 +0100
Subject: Re: [SG] in seach of 15mm
Oerjan Ohlson wrote
> >You Americans (yes, Canadians are Americans as well - North
> >though not USAmericans) are lucky: where I live, gamers know what
> >US, UK, German, Swedish and (ex-)Soviet vehicles look like :-(
At least, hardly anybody knows what Swedish AFV look like ;-). So I used
some 1/300 ones for my tracked Dirtside force. The 'S' Tank looks
futuristic. And if you cover the tracks, it makes an interesting
Pity that it looks so small beside many nominally same-scale 'real SF'
models - indeed, I have the impresison that many '1/300' SF models are
rather bigger than minis of equivalent real vehicles.
BTW - I remember reading that the 'S' has been retired quite a time ago.
Anybody know the reasons ?
Karl Heinz