Re: [OFFICIAL UPDATE] New FT ships and SG stuff from GZG!!
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 09:53:12 +0100
Subject: Re: [OFFICIAL UPDATE] New FT ships and SG stuff from GZG!!
>>No, I don't have a proper background for the ORC, but see it as
>probably a
>> mutual-defence league between several technically-developed
>> colonies who have broken away from earth domination.
>That's spelled "Alarishi Empire" :-) , although "coalition" is
>perhaps too formal--"functioning anarchy", now...
>> SGZ-17A New Israeli PIG (plasma gunner)
>That's not kosher! :-)
It's OK provided he doesn't try to eat it...... ;-)
>So if I invest in 15mm SG figs, then what size Infantry Walker
>are the four 25mm powered armor troops I've got?
About size 1, I guess. The new 1/144 scale Heavy Gears would make nice
1/2 Inf Walkers for 15mm....
Jon (GZG)