Prev: Re: DS2 SG2 Rules for Heavy Gear from a while back? Next: Re: [Minis] AE (NSL) PA (SG)

RE: [Minis] AE (NSL) PA (SG)

From: Thomas Pope <tpope@c...>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 12:44:35 -0400
Subject: RE: [Minis] AE (NSL) PA (SG)

> > a) flock base with sand or fine saw dust
> Does that mean "paint base with white glue and then pour sand
> on it"?  Or is there some better technique?

I sometimes use paint to stick the flock/sand/whatever on, but in this
I think thinned (I use 50/50 with water) white glue and sand would work
quite well.


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