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Re: [FT] - A couple more stange ideas

From: Charles Stanley Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2000 18:54:42 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] - A couple more stange ideas

In message <001701c01f53$a3e4c780$74ea6520@pent60>
	  "Laserlight" <> wrote:

>   Perhaps a variant ADFC that would allow B1's to fire on
> fighters within 12mu?  PDS would still only fire within 6mu and
> B1's would  not have any better "to-hit" than normal, just be
> able to shoot at targets farther away.
[snip original msg]


Long Range Area Defence Fire Control (LRADFC)

Allows Class 1 batteries to fire at any one fighter group attacking
allied ships up to 12 mu away, as long as the fighters are within 12 mu
of the ship with the LRADFC


Long Range Anti Fighter Fire Control (LRAFFC)

Allows Class 1 batteries to attack any one fighter group within 12 mu.

any ideas on MASS/COST, my gut feeling is MASS 4, COST 16 for each, and
MASS 6, COST 24 for a combained system.

...but that's just a wild guess :-)



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