Re: DragonFlight 2000
From: stiltman@t...
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2000 21:05:30 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: DragonFlight 2000
> On Sat, 2 Sep 2000, Jaime Tiampo wrote:
> > > We've had a few spiral ascents ourselves and that asteroid stuff
does sound
> > > fun! Were they mobile asteroids (some centre of mass of the table
> > > moved around??) or stationary?
> > We use stationary asteroids. Brian has enough problems maneuvering
> > around then as it is. I figure if we had moving ones I'd never
> > have to engage in direct fire. Just let him loose ship moving across
> > table :)
> Oh, thank you Jaime, thank you. Gods, half my gaming group is on the
> now, and they're all slagging me... No more telling lies about what
> happens in our games...
Heh heh... well, the commentary about your navigational skills in
fields _does_ explain a thing or two about flying into your own plasma
the con, too... ;)
The Stilt Man
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