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A real Virus Warning--for once

From: "Robert W. Hofrichter" <RobHofrich@p...>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 00:58:22 -0400
Subject: A real Virus Warning--for once

Okay, earlier this evening I discovered that my computer had been hit by
the Wscript.kakworm virus.  This is one that utilizes the security hole
in Outlook Express (assuming you haven't updated with a patch from
Microsoft to fix the hole).  I don't know when it entered my system, but
since I e-mailed you recently you may want to check your system,
especially if you are running Outlook Express.

If you find you have some problems, go to:

for a fix.

Sorry 'bout that folks.  Now if I could only find out who sent me the

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