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[DS] Force Organizations

From: Aron_Clark@d...
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 15:08:31 -0700
Subject: [DS] Force Organizations

>From time to time I see posts regarding what the average point cost per
should be in DS.  Referring to pg. 7 of the rule book we find St. Jon's
of an average DS battle group.	Using this frame of reference I designed
each of
these elements in the most average of terms, and arrived at a total of
5500 points.  So that's the average point value per side I'll be using
in my DS

Why am I bothering telling you this?  Well I also wanted to let you know
going to take a stab at an Excel workbook for designing DS vehicles. 
Since we
have them for FT, why not DS?  I'll let you know if I have any success.

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