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Re: [OT] Secret torpedo test 'blew sub apart' [was Fw: High speed subs]

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: 30 Aug 2000 12:59 GMT
Subject: Re: [OT] Secret torpedo test 'blew sub apart' [was Fw: High speed subs]

> wrote
> Sorry if I don't partake of the joke. Been there, done that,
> only in Western rather than Russian Subs. Of course,
> my bits of kit worked - even when they didn't, they failed
> safe as per design..
> And people wonder why I get all cumudgeonlike about
> "software quality" grumble grumble....

You are right, of course.
And mishaps in space are not going to be any nicer.

But that's one aspect we usually prefer not to think about when we blow 
up each other's ships, tanks or planes on the gaming table.

Karl Heinz

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