Re: [FT] DDs and DHs inspired by WW2 types
From: devans@u...
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 20:03:28 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] DDs and DHs inspired by WW2 types
Sorry, but this is getting into the realm of religious disagreements, I
fear. One of the reasons I remain in the cinematic camp is I just don't
large ships doing the snap roll or spin. Even in B5 the non-gravitic
take some time to do the rotation. Oh, I know there'll be statements
the time is not a significant part of the move, but that just doesn't
right to me.
Part of it's a matter of dignity, I suspect. Spinning and twirling just
doesn't seem 'right' to me for anything larger than fighters. That
just not going to fall to a well-reasoned argument.
Same sort of thing as my reaction to unlimited speed and floating
Oh, I know restrictions seem arbitrary, but the FTII movement sure seems
closer to realistic physics at slower speeds. At some point, the faster
your ship goes, an increase of speed starts losing significance, and the
directional change increases.
The tight 'furballs' I've experienced, to my demise more often than not,
harkens back to a little game I tried to put together I called
'Battlepass'. The theory, and it's one I've heard more than once, is
space battle will be preceded by long periods of jockeying for position,
followed by short periods of insane, chaotic battling. Cognitive
allows me to forget that the short battling is due to the tremendous
opposing vectors involved in the passing. ;->=
-Douglas J. Evans, curmudgeon
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