Re: [FT\DS2] Fleet and Army sizes for games
From: -MWS- <mshurtleff1@u...>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 12:06:04 -0700
Subject: Re: [FT\DS2] Fleet and Army sizes for games
At 08:18 PM 8/18/2000 +0200, Oerjan Ohlson wrote:
>Brian Burger wrote:
>>Given that that's not going to happen, does anyone else think that
>>fighters are significantly undercosted and/or too powerful for their
>>present cost?
>Not if you use the fighter morale rules. If you don't use them, then
In our group's experience, the Fighter Morale rules are *critical* in
balancing custom-design fleets, especially if you don't allow
designs in your games.
>>Fighters are, in FT, the *only* weapon system where if one player
>>brings them and the other leaves them at home, the figherless player
>is >more than likely to loose...
>Never encountered a serious ADFC phalanx, or scatterguns?
<G> A good ADFC phalanx does go a long way in keeping your ships alive
when your opponent is either fighter or SM happy, doesn't it? Almost
cap ship that I have in the K'rathri fleet includes at least 4 PDS and
ADFC as standard equipment. When playing against a human-tech Fleet
Carrier opponent, it makes for very close and enjoyable games. :-)
Mark W Shurtleff
aka "Togashi Gaijin" on the Clan War ML
aka "Hauptman" on the GZG and Heavy Gear ML
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