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Re: MT Missile Questions

From: "Chris DeBoe" <LASERLIGHT@Q...>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 17:43:42 -0400
Subject: Re: MT Missile Questions

> Do MT missiles require an active FCS?  If so, how many?  One per
> One per missile?

Technically, no.  MTM's specifically carry their own FCS--go back and
the description.  It would be reasonable to house-rule that a ship has
acquire the target before handing off control to the missile, but
to what's written there the ship does not need its own FCS.  I designed
variant of Schoon's Requin strikeboat that dropped the FCS and whatever
orginal weapons were, and replaced them with MTM.

 Also, are MT missiles simply sucked into the nearest
> target, like SLMs?  Or are they completely under the launching
> control?

The latter.  They haven't been updated to Fleet Book specs
should move like a Fast Fighter, probably with a 3" (vector) or 6"
(cinematic) secondary move, but they can select their targets rather
simply hitting the closest radar reflection.
 In small numbers they're less efficient than SMR/SML; however, in large
numbers they're more efficient, unless the target has a large PDS suite
and/or good Area Defense.

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