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tractor beams

From: "Andrew Apter" <apter@p...>
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 16:04:28 -0400
Subject: tractor beams

Since things are a bit slow lets talk the unmentionable, "tractor

I purpose as a starting point a system that adds points of maneuver to
another ship within 18 MU of your ship in the direction designated by
tractoring ship. The ships plot normaly then
then the tracktoring ship anounces its changes to the tracktored ship.
Maneuver points are taken from the tractoring ship maneuver drive. For
point of maneuver the tractor can add one point of maneuver to a ship
its size, two points to a ship 1/4 its size.  All fractions of the
ship are rounded up.  A ship can tractor a ship of equal size by using 2
of maneuver.

Any idea or modifications?

Andy A

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