RE: [SG2] Fw: Fallen Comrades
From: "Owen Glover" <oglover@b...>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 20:00:35 +1000
Subject: RE: [SG2] Fw: Fallen Comrades
Hi Jeremy,
"Strictly by the rules" the answer is no......and you are right, a lot
discussion has gone on before. Essentially people have come up with
of arguments for different house rules mechanisms to model recovering a
weapon; Qual checks etc.
Personally, in our little group we don't. We tend to keep most of the
simple adding the house rules to highlight gameplay enhancements we
eg limiting smoke and when it can be used.
Personal preference should be employed.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
> [mailto:owner-gzg-l@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU]On Behalf Of Jeremy Sadler
> Sent: Thursday, 10 August 2000 7:36 PM
> To: GZG Mailing List
> Subject: [SG2] Fw: Fallen Comrades
> A question I received via
> ---
> Can a member of a squad pick up a fallen squad member's weapon?
> important if the fallen troop is a Support Weapon.
> --
> I'm not sure if this has been covered before (if it has, I missed it!)
> Personal opinion: they can. However, thought should be given to
> a) possible
> damage to the weapon from fire/drop/etc and b) the skill of the new
> using it may not be as good as the person originally carrying it.
> I can see reasons why and why not....
> Thoughts from anyone else?
> ---
> Jeremy Sadler
> - unofficial stargrunt ii website