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The Trouble With Colonials (Northern Crown) [GZG-ECC IV]

From: "Barclay, Tom" <tomb@b...>
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 16:42:18 -0400
Subject: The Trouble With Colonials (Northern Crown) [GZG-ECC IV]

I've updated the page for our FMA Skirmish (stuff at the bottom - yes
page needs segmented... I'll get around to tidier layout later). 

I added BYOF rules for those who might want to paint/bring their own
figs -
figs will be supplied, but if you want to bring your own, just adhere to
few simple rules. 

Also, I added our squad selection criteria (so you can pre-build your
squads). Me and Los will assure things are balanced by dishing out
of various types, IAVRs, better armour, better comms, maybe better
etc. to balance the two sides. 

Two things till missing are our time slot (I think Sat night) and the
that if we get squads ahead of time, that's awesome.

Forces used by each side will be confidential to that side. I will setup
web page with restricted access for each side if people pre-register.
already heard from one ambitious player). 

Any questions may be directed to me - though since I"m about to go on
holidays for a week, don't expect a blistering reply. 

Thomas R. S. Barclay
Voice: (613) 722-3232 ext 349

Q:  If Brian Kernighan had joined the Royal Navy, 
what position would they have given him? 
A: First 'C' Lord.

Prev: Re: Brigade Models Next: RE: [FT] Spinal Mounts (all of them)